(Dutch Title: Jongens)
Boys (2014), originally titled “Jongens” in Dutch, is a coming-of-age romantic drama directed by Mischa Kamp and written by Chris Westendorp and Jaap-Peter Enderlé. The film, set in the Netherlands, follows the story of two teenage boys, Sieger (Gijs Blom) and Marc (Ko Zandvliet), who are both on same Athletics Team. As they train together for an important relay race, the two boys develop a deep friendship that gradually blossoms into an undeniable romantic attraction. Struggling with their feelings, societal expectations, and the complexities of adolescence, Sieger and Marc navigate the delicate path of self-discovery and acceptance.
Boys Trailer
Does Boys (Jongens) Have a Happy Ending?
Yes! If you’re looking for gay movies that have a happy ending that won’t leave you depressed, this is an uplifting movie.