“Call Me By Your Name,” the critically acclaimed 2017 film directed by Luca Guadagnino, brings to life the story of a tender romance between young Elio (Timothée Chalamet) and visiting scholar Oliver (Armie Hammer). Adapted from André Aciman’s novel of the same name, the film is set in the summer of 1983 and is renowned for its lush, picturesque setting. In this post, we’ll uncover the stunning locations that created the Call Me By Your Name Aesthetic.
Where was Call Me By Your Name Filmed
Here are some of the locations where Call Me By Your Name was filmed
Lombardy, Italy
The majority of “Call Me By Your Name” was filmed in the Lombardy region of Northern Italy. The area is known for its breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture.
Crema, a small town located in the province of Cremona, serves as the primary filming location. Many of the outdoor scenes, including the iconic bike rides, were shot in and around Crema. The town’s historic architecture and charming streets add an authentic touch to the film’s visual appeal.
Villa Albergoni (Elio’s House)
The Perlman family’s 17th-century villa, where much of the film takes place, is Villa Albergoni. Located in Moscazzano, a village near Crema, the villa’s timeless elegance and stunning gardens add to the film’s enchanting atmosphere. Villa Albergoni’s beauty is showcased throughout the movie, as it serves as the backdrop for many pivotal scenes.
Lake Garda
The film’s memorable trip to the idyllic Lake Garda showcases the beauty of Italy’s largest lake. Filming locations at Lake Garda include the towns of Sirmione and Gargnano.
The captivating city of Bergamo is featured in the final part of the movie, as Elio and Oliver venture out for a short trip. The city’s historic Città Alta (Upper Town) and the panoramic views from the Venetian Walls contribute to the film’s enchanting atmosphere.
Serio Falls
The waterfall scene in Call Me By Your Name was filmed at the Serio Falls (Cascate del Serio), located near the town of Valbondione in the Bergamo province. As the tallest waterfall in Italy, Serio Falls is a three-tiered cascade with a total height of 315 meters (1,033 feet).
In the film, Elio and Oliver visit the Serio Falls during their adventures, taking in the awe-inspiring natural beauty of the area.
Where is Elio’s House Located?
Much of Call Me By Your Name is set at Elio’s house. Iconic scenes like the Peach Scene were also shot around the villa. The house is known as Villa Albergoni and is located in Moscazzano a village near Creme. The house is a private residence and is not open to visitors.